Carbon Management Plan
Almeda recognises it has a responsibility to the environment beyond legal and statutory requirements and strives for continual improvement in sustainability seeking to support areas of prevention within the natural or physical environment.
Almeda is committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral part of our business strategy delivering a complete facilities management service.
Almeda manages emissions year on year: base year 2022, achieving continued carbon neutral status again in 2024.

Queries and Updates
The plan is maintained by Almeda’s Technical/QHSE team and will be publicised throughout the company on shared company folders and company website. It will be made available to external parties on request.
The plan has been approved by Almeda’s Managing Director.
This plan will be reviewed and updated annually; additionally we may carry out additional updates from time to time; any material updates or changes to this Policy will be communicated.
B Savage-George, Managing Director
Review date March 2025